Grateful American Kids

Happy Birthday Abraham Lincoln!

Did you know: Abraham Lincoln was a prolific wrestler? It’s true! He is also the only U.S. president to hold a patent.

That’s not all! Here are 13 interesting facts about the 16th president, thanks to reporter of the International Business Times, who writes:

Abraham Lincoln was born 208 years ago today. A president who changed the United States forever, leading the country through the Civil War, he remains revered in the minds of Americans.

The 16th president, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared all slaves should be free. He was assassinated April 15, 1865 soon after the war ended, but Lincoln’s legacy has lived on. And while he is certainly one of the most well-known presidents, Lincoln led a fascinating life full of interesting twists and turns that many might not know,. 

For example: 

1. He was the only U.S. president to hold a patent, according to the Civil War Trust. He patented a system that could keep a steamboat from running aground.

2. Lincoln was a prolific wrestler who, legend has it, was defeated just once in hundreds of matches, is enshrined in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. It’s worth noting that President Donald Trump is enshrined in the WWE Hall of Fame, which is the soap-opera-esque faux wrestling popular with Americans nowadays.

3. Lincoln didn’t drink, smoke or chew tobacco, according to the National Constitution Center.

Click here to read the 10 other interesting facts about Lincoln!

How did Abraham Lincoln lose his birthday holidayReporter 

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